Welcome to Al's Weird and Wonderful Little Homepage

Welcome to Al's Weird & Wonderful Little Home Page.

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You can see my efforts at these web pages!

Geratol Net Crash Landon Frank's Memorial Page Al Gritzmacher's Blog Buffalo Live Music Podcast Archives See my QRZ page. My POTA stats See my most recent log entries My ADSB Receiver Info
Ham license in every box of Cracker Jacks! Free Baofeng included!

Free Baofeng in every box!

Test your internet speed

If you're expecting a page about Ham Radio based on the domain name, I'm not using this page for that purpose.

It serves no purposes, other than nostalgia, but I keep it up as a placeholder for the domain.This page is the descendant of the first web pages I ever created, back in the days of NCSA Mosaic and the Buffalo Free Net. I was so excited when background images became part of HTML and I added that cool background. The banner was created with Corel Draw and a couple other image editing programs to get the funky fonts. It's been so over-optimized for file size, it looks awful. I can remember uploading the files over the dial-up lines using Kermit. Boy was it a big deal when I finally could get a PPP connection through an ISP called Delphi. Little did I know they would go out of business and I'd end up working for an automotive components company with the same name.

Baofeng for My J-pole

Solar numbers explained

Most recent Northern Hemisphere Aurora Image

SWPC Web Page  Tamitha Skov Space Weather Woman page  Space Weather Live